Tuesday 27 December 2011


Hey there Bailey and Riley - this post is for you girls!! :)

Here are some of our farm animals - that my dear Uncle has photographed and let me share with you! Well, I (Kylee) took the first two!! Can you see what the photos are? COWS CROSSING THE MAIN STATE HIGHWAY!! HAHA! Have you ever seen that before? I laughed and took photos, I thought you might enjoy them! There are lots of dairy farms around where I live, and this morning they were moving them from one paddock to another, so they stopped traffic on the main highway to allow the cows to walk across the road. We must have been there for about 5 minutes or so - it was pretty funny!! You can see the other cars and trucks waiting to pass, and the motor bikes, quads and dogs helping lead the cows in the right direction. Some of them were being a little bit naughty and were trying to escape! They did a good job though! Have you ever seen a cow being milked before? This is what they were getting ready to do! :)

Here is another photo of the cows as they were crossing the road.... They were nearly crossed over by this stage, just a couple of slow ones still coming up behind, and the line of traffic that built up is starting to inch forward to be able to head off on their way again... The cows were well behaved!

Here are some photos of some of the farm animals, I think there were taken on my cousins farm!

PIGS! I wish I knew their names, but I don't....

This pig has black spots on its back and is more orange in colour.

All the pigs taking an afternoon nap after their big feed!

Aren't these puppies ADORABLE!?


Chickens! Have you ever tried a chicken egg just after it was laid? Its quite common when you live on a farm to have your own chickens. At our old house, we used to have chickens and all of them had names! We used to collect their eggs (when they didn't have baby chickens in them) to make different meals with eggs in them. Fresh eggs taste a bit different to shop brought ones... Do you guys like eggs?

These are geese! Have you ever seen or read the book. "Peter Rabbit", well geese always remind me of Jemima from the Betrix Potter Collection, "Jemima Puddle Duck". You can click on the link to learn more about her, or find out about the stories if you haven't read them before.

Here is a young calf. He's a bit skinny, don't you think? I think he was a pet!

Another wee calf! Do you have a good name for this one? I dont know his name!

.... And finally two sheep!! New Zealand is really well known for its sheep and lamb....

This kind of sheep with the black face is called a "suffolks" we used to have them when we had a farm, when I was little we used to have a pet lamb called "Lamby" he was a boy lamb though, and the boys can get a bit grumpy so as he grew up older sometimes he would get stroppy and "head butt" us kids! We feed him from a baby lamb, have you ever patted or feed a baby lamb?

What kind of animals are your favourite? I think my favourite animal is my cat! I will have to find a photo of my cat and our little dog called "Buddy", he is a sausage dog! He's a bit funny and sneaky... He will walk really carefully and quietly when he can see the door that goes into the laundry where the cats food is to try and eat it... Sometimes he used to scoff it all, but we would hear him and tell him off, so now he steps ever so carefully and will carefully eat the cat biscuits so as not to make a sound, and will try and eat them nearly one at a time, but I always realise what he is doing, he is kind of cute, but hes not allowed, so I will suddenly yell "Buddy!". Girls, you should see him, he gets such a fright that he jumps and then runs outside as quick as he can, because he knows he is not allowed to eat the biscuits. He gets feed a lot, he is just a gutz! HAHA!

I will get some photos of him, and out cat "Sox", for you with your flat versions. Sox is really beautiful too, she has a thumb on each of her paws, giving her these really big (but cute) feet!

Hope you are having a good afternoon, did you have weekend?

Love Kylee (who is hosting your Flat Broton Family)

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