Tuesday 27 December 2011

Sorry its been a while since we have been on to update! Kylee is organising another blog post in the making, but we thought in the mean time we would jump on and update showing you all some photos of New Zealand (in no specific order).... First up though, I dont know if we have even shown you all WHERE in New Zealand we are... Soo... We are in Taupo! Can you find us on the map?

We will give you a hint OK? We are on the North Island and the second hint is we are by the blue dot in the North Island! Thats Lake Taupo and where we have been! We can actually see the lake from the room we have been staying in at the Blacks house! Its so pretty to see the sunsets, but we will post a photo of that further down the page! Taupo has been a lot of fun, and its lovely being able to see and be by the lake. The lake is HUGGGE!! The surface area is 236 square miles and it 186 meters deep in its deepest part - that sure is deep, don't you reckon?!

Lake Taupo is next to a Mountain, and the mountain is GREAT for skiing, although its summer, so we haven't been up. The mountain, known as Mt Ruapehu is actually an active Volcano (one of the most active in the world if you go by what Wikipedia says), although it hasnt errupted since 1996. Kylee lives on thermal land, which means under ground hot water runs underneath them, and they have naturally hot pools you can swim in where the thermal water means the cool water from the lake. Some places in Taupo, although more so in Rotorua (an hour away from Taupo) they have bubbling mud pits. You cant go in those though, they are really hot and would burn you. That sounds a bit scary I guess if you are reading this but its really not, Taupo is a very safe place really - and a really beautiful place as well!

You can see Mount Tauhara in this shot, this was taken in Autumn when all the pretty trees and shrubs change colour heading into winter. There are some really pretty tree's in this season. Thats Mount Tauhara in the background, you can read more about it HERE. Kylee walked up that Mountain before she got sick, its just behind her house, its a steep walk though she said! :)

Here are photos of the lake from the Blacks house. You can see Mt Ruapehu in the distance...

There is a closer shot of Mt Ruapehu! The camera really does not do it justice, its soo pretty, crisp and clear... Its not quite as covered in snow as it was when this photo was taken, but its still really pretty.... You can read more about Mt Ruapehu if you would like by clicking HERE.

Here is a much closer shot my Uncle took when he was driving by on what they call Desert Road.

A beautiful sunset from the Blacks House. Taupo gets the most amazing sunsets... So pretty! Sometimes they are red or orange, or a rainbow of colours.... Quite magical isn't it?

Here is another photo, taken a few minutes after the last one...

This is down by the natural hot water pools... Its warm water just where the water meets the rocks, its cooler as you head out, actually its quite weird in some respects... The water is warm in places and cold in places, and where it meets you can feel the difference. Its hard to explain but lots of fun for kids to soak in. Taupo has deep natural hot pools too, its like a spa, but its coming directly from the ground, and you are surrounded by tree's and the ground is sandy. Kylee cant get down there anymore, as its too hard to take a wheelchair, but Kylee just said she might be able to get someone to take us down there to show us around and take some photos! :)

Here is another photo of the lake, on a peaceful and tranquil day! So serene!

In spring (August/September) these beautiful Daffidols come out. Kylee's Dad love to plant them down the driveway!

This is a Cherry Blossom tree. They come out about September/October, so we have only seen photos... They finished blooming just a short while before we arrived, Kylee has a few of these tree's at her house, one is as you come in by the driveway, they are so pretty in the photos.

Here is a photo of a waterfall that Kylee's Uncle caught a photo of. Not sure where the waterfall was, but it was so pretty, that we wanted to include it... The colours are just so vibrant!

Some of the landscape in New Zealand. Its really green, and lots of rolling hillside country. Farming is a big thing in New Zealand, can see the sheep in the background on the hill?

Another photo of some of the countryside. New Zealand isn't all like this. They have big cities, and towns too, but we just wanted to show some of the pretty landscape in this update. We have some neat photos of animals that Kylee's Uncle took as well! Will make that an update too!!!

Thank you to Kylee's Uncle for letting us use and update these photos to show you all!!

Love the Flat Broton Family xoxo


  1. Daffodils in December seems so odd...but beautiful! And teh scenery is breathtaking....It's fun to think we watch the same sun setting from far different places on earth, just at different times of the day....the gift that keeps on giving! Enjoy the rest of your 'flat' vacation!

  2. The Daffodils are in spring, which is more like August/September in NZ (not December, which is our summer)... But I had the beautiful photo and wanted to include it. I will go back and add the months in brackets next to spring when they come out! :)
