Wednesday 14 December 2011

Sandspit and the Beach

Hello Family and Friends,

We told you we would be back again to write you another update today, and here we are.... We have some photos for you from our time up in Sandspit and wanted to share them with you all.... Here are a few of the photos from the trip....

We are on our way.... Back in the car and heading on the 6 hour trip up North to Sandspit....

We stayed in these cabins by the beach. During the day the tide would go out a looooong way! So much so the only place there was water was where the man made channel came in to let all the boats come up close, like the cruise cats (type of charter boat), and that kind of thing. We liked it when the tide went out, as on the Sunday, Lauren, Kylee's sister took us crab and sea creature hunting. We posted photos at the time on Kylee's Facebook. Flat Bailey caught two crabs and Flat Riley caught two little baby prawns. Unfortunately just after this photo was taken Kylee's camera went flat so we were unable to get any photos of us with the actual sea creature findings, but it was fun anyways. Kylee wasn't feeling well at the time, so stayed inside quietly reading on the couch. We came in afterwards and showed the things we collected in the bucket to her, we brought sand all in the house, but Kylee's Mum wasn't too worried - because we were having fun.

This is a picture of us with Lauren.... Can you see the difference, in how far the sea goes out and how far it comes in? This photo was taken in the morning of the day we left. But the afternoon before that, was the day we were crab hunting. ALL of what you see as sea water was SAND. You couldn't see the sea for ages. That's how tidal Sandspit is.. It comes in a long way and goes out a long way too. I guess because it is such a deep bay. The sea has a long way to stretch in and out.

Kylee's family used to have a caravan when she was little on this wee camping ground, so it was quite surreal for them to go back to the place she used to play when she was so much younger, some things had changed, but many things had not. Its weird sometimes to think we as people, or "flat versions" are always changing, but places and things can stay the same for so long, or places can be so different in your mind to how you remembered them... Do you find that too?

This was us looking out to sea. This might give a better idea of how far the water has to come in and out... You see the little jutting out piece of land on the left hand side? Thats where the bay starts, so thats where it comes in and out... Following the line of that piece of land is where the really deep deep channel is for boats to use to come in and out... Its quite a busy channel really...

This is the batch that we stayed at. Kylee has to have support to help keep her standing up, thats why she is holding onto one of the little pannels of the batch, it was also a pretty windy day too to be honest... The summer the Blacks have told us about, hasn't really appeared yet. They said its been quite strange weather recently. Hopefully we get more SUN soon. I think its so weird to think back home its snowing, or nearly snowing and here is summer... The world is a big place.

The batch was literally steps down to the sand to the sea. So pretty and it was nice because it was the cheapest of anything we could find in the local area for staying in, Kylee said. I think people who go up those ways and stay at a Motel looking out onto cars by a busy road and paying double the amount, are missing out on something pretty special and unique. If you get to come to New Zealand, the little camping ground cabins in New Zealand sure are pretty special!!

Tomorrow we will post some of the photos we found on Kylee's computer of ones of New Zealand scenery so that you can see a bit of what New Zealand looks like... A lot of them are taken from the car while she has been in the passenger seat while driving somewhere, would you like to see some of those photos Bailey and Riley? Is there something in specific you would like to see in NZ?

By the way, if any of the Broton's family or friends do stop by, please leave comments and messages, we would love to hear from you and read what you have to say. This blog has been created to be interactive, and is something after our trip we will able to look back on together.

With love the "Flat Broton Family" xox

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing the adventures of Flat Broton's!! I'm Loni's cousin and don't get to see her often. I live in Virginia (not as cold as upstate New York but its winter here too!)
