Friday 6 January 2012

Christmas and New Years!

HELLO! Boy, its been a while since we have updated - soo sorry! Thats Kylee's fault! But we wanted to come on and update about Christmas and New Years.... First first, guess what we got for Christmas?? A little bit of a makeover! This travelling business is flighty stuff! So Kylee treated us to a bit of a pamper day! We got a new laminate which means we are a bit more firm now, Kylee painted Flat Loni's eyelids green (for Mitochondrial Disease awareness) - and even gave a few eye lashes!! She hot glued Flat Greg, Flat Loni and Flat Bailey hair on and re-hot glued all the eyes on!! Hopefully they wont come off us again!! I guess travelling you do get a bit battered and warn - but that just means we are having a good fun that we can report back! :)

On another note.... Here is our belated Christmas wishes and blessing sent from New Zealand....

MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM Snoopy and The Flat Broton Family!!!

Here is an up close version for you!!! It was fun jumping in the Santa sack for taking these photos for you!

We even met Santa! (albeit the Santa Sack version) We asked Santa for a cure for Mitochondrial Disease! I sure hope he grants it! We are praying for you guys though - really praying! Kylee prays for you a lot too!!


The other day we went to see a movie with Kylee's sister and her friend. Kylee's sister is on the right (Lauren) and her friend is on the left, her name is Juanita. The girls took in all sorts of food. Ice cream, pop corn and a drink.... We couldn't finish all the popcorn -- but we sure tried! We went to see "We brought a Zoo", have you seen it? It is based on a true story, and is really well put together! I hope you can see it! It was cute!!

We wanted to take a photo standing in front of the HUGE poster for you guys - so Juanita posed with us! Can you see where we are? (we are down  by the Zoo sign). That little girl who features in the movie is soooo darn cute!! About as cute as you girls, Bailey and Riley! I think you guys would make cute and fantastic actors as well - to star in a big movie would be fun, don't you think? I would vote for you girls ANY DAY!!

This was us back on the road before New Years.... We were heading to the Mount. There was meant to be a concert on, but in the end it was raining really badly and the concert was cancelled. "Murphys Law" meant that come New Years Eve, the weather was actually really nice, but they couldn't have known that, and they didn't have the time to set up the arena.... Earlier that day there had been flooding warnings! Crazy weather!!

In the end, we went down to the "Strand" to watch the fireworks..... Here is a picture of them:

Kylee wanted to ask a question, she said she watched the movie called "New Years Eve" and there is a big "Ball Drop" in New York, and then a massive fireworks display - is that true? Have you guys ever been? She said it sounds like a lot of fun and looked really pretty when she saw it in the movie! She would like to go! :)

We have some photos of the beach to post in the next update (which will come quicker than this last one).

Love you guys!! HEAPS AND HEAPS!! xoxoxo

PS: Have you got the package we helped send for you guys from Spirit Sparkplugs? Looks like this:

(the photo was taken before our makeover)

...... PS: We blanked out the address before we posted the photo online (for obvious reasons!)

Love, The Flat Broton Family xoxox

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