Monday 26 March 2012

Hi Broton Family,

We're so sorry we haven't updated in a while, we've been pretty busy off and about lately.

We have been spending time at youth group, the other week we even tried to break some world records!
I would show you photos, but the internet at the house here is pretty slow at the moment! But we were the judges for lots of the records, and even tried to balance as many tennis balls on our hand as possible, the youth record was 11, the world record was 22, and ours was only 1 (its pretty hard on our cardboard hand!).

Melissa who we're staying with has been going into Auckland City a lot lately for study, so we got to see the sky tower! Its the tallest building in the southern hemisphere (this side of the world!), and i bet there are some great views from there!! Look at this website to see what we mean!!
We were hoping to go the zoo, but we didnt get a chance cos of the weather (its been a bit stormy here lately!). We really wanted to go to see the kiwi!(said like key-wee)! Its the national bird here in NZ, with a long beak that they use to dig in the dirt to find worms to eat. They're nocturnal, which means they only come out at night time, which at the zoo would've meant we'd have to go into the dark room to even be able to see them moving around like they would in the wild. I say moving around, not flying because their wings are pretty little, so they cant even fly! Pretty silly birds!! They are really small actually, and the sad thing is their arent many left though, so they're really protected and looked after now. You should look at this website
Our other favourite bird is the Tui, because its got such a pretty song it sings in the mornings and in the bush. We got to hear it the other day, and it really was a much nicer wake up call then the normal alarm clock! will give you pictures and more info about the Tui (said like two-e).

We're really sorry its been so slow to update, we are having so much fun here exploring the bush and things like that!! We really miss you guys tho, we hope everything is going ok over there!

Lots of love, The Flat Brotons xoxoxo

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