Tuesday 21 February 2012

Hi Broton Family,
On Friday night, we were supposed to be going to the park with the youth group which would’ve been fun! However the weather had other plans, and in our part of Auckland there was TORRENTIAL rain, that didn’t stop for hours, and even caused some flash flooding that made the top of the late night news that night!! So obviously, the park didn’t happen! Instead we did this…

We learnt to play the ukeleles with all the teenagers, and man did it make a racket!! We played a whole bunch of songs, and even tried strumming with our feet (just us, not the teenagers hehe). It was pretty fun!

We also explored the space the youth hang out in every week, like reading their comic book wall, and drawing on the chalkboard wall.

We even played a game of pool, and meet the youth group mascot “Freddie the spider”.
The best thing of the night was trying some “L&P” New Zealands very own fizzy drink (as the label says “world famous in New Zealand since ages ago”.

 Its called L&P because that stands for Lemon and Paeroa. Paeroa is the town its made in, and kind of is like the cover up for whatever the secret ingredient is. Its pretty yummy, we wish we could bring some home to let you try it!
Will update again soon,
Love the Flat Broton Family

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