Sunday 29 January 2012

Today we had another lake day, at our lake which is just down the road.  We have managed to slowly build up our own little spot where only certain locals can enjoy it.  We leave our kayaks there outside a lake house and bike down whenever.  Today we took the car because we had to take the grill for our BBQ dinner also.                          Lake Rerewhakaaitu fun with our neighbours.  The Broton's almost got away with taking off on the jetski, but they forgot the key!  

Who's up for some jetski and biscuit fun?????
Time for a play on the biscuit, not going fast enough for these 2 girls...they have a need for speed.  I am sure that can by tamed by getting them to come off!  Had a lovely lake day with yall...again.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Big Day Out for Destiny Church at Lake Okareka.  Great kiwi kai (food), great company and bliss weather.

Beyond the distant mountain is our home, Rerewhakaaitu, and our own lake.  Google Rotorua and see how many lakes we have...there are many.  And while you are at it, Tarawera, the mountain we live under (and the one in the distant.  Great stories.

The Brotons stayed on dry land with me while Lexi enjoyed a bit of boating and biscuiting. Also introduced you to some of our church family.   

Lake Rerewhakaaitu fun with Lexi and one of my daycare kids.  Another beautiful day to spend in water.  We found a strange underwater bug this day.  Not sure if Lexi we want to get back in there. Haha.  We did go kayaking yesterday with yall, but it was too rough and choppy to whip out my camera for a photo.  We managed not to tip, but for amateurs it was surely entertaining for spectators (being you)...

Wednesday 25 January 2012

We are taking the Broton Family camping.  Off we go with the car packed and heading to Taupo Top 10 Camping grounds for a long weekend of fun in the sun.  Your hosts are Toni (mum) and Lexi (8yr chick-a-dee).
Just trying a few slideshow things for ya, but I am not sure if they are working well.  Hope something shows off your adventures in the 2 links below. 
Camping adventure slideshow
Camping adventure slideshow

Sunday 22 January 2012

A wee catch up and update!

Hey Broton Family,

We have been having a ball! We are now staying with another family in Rotorua (about an hour away from Kylee and her family)... Before we came to Rotorua we went to Hamilton for a week with Kylee.. Well, we got some NEAT photos (and videos) to show you from the Hamilton Gardens, they are really beautiful, with so many different things to see and do! We cant wait to show you! Kylee has had some trouble getting the photos off her phone, which is why she hadn't updated for us! Photos coming this week though! :)

In the mean time, we are having fun with our new hosts, and are currently camping at the holiday park. We are staying with Toni and Lexi. Toni is the Mum, and Lexi is the daughter. Lexi is 8 years old, we have been playing with her heaps, and they have lots of photos to post for us when they get home as well! They dont have access to the internet while away, but after that there will be more posts and we will be staying at the farm! :)

After out time with Toni and Lexi will look at heading up to Auckland and staying with a youth group up there, they said they would all love to have a go at showing us around, and having us over to spend a night or two - so that should be fun! We are looking forward to meeting new people and showing you more photos!

We put some post cards in the mail for you Bailey and Riley, they may not arrive til next week though, because they have only just been put in the post! We think about you all the time and miss you lots!!

Love the Flat Broton Family!! xoxo

Wednesday 11 January 2012

The Beach!

Hey there! Here are the beach photos! 

It was such a sunny day over at the Mount, Lauren and Juanita, stopped for a refreshing drink! 

Juanita was even kind enough to share her drink with us! 

Kylee was determined to get us down to see the beach, she said its really pretty down there, and she was right! It was pretty, even though it was a slightly overcast day, it was muggy and hot and there were lots of people swimming, or sun bathing and walking along the beaches walk ways...

Here we are with Kylee's Mum, her Mum parked really close to the look out area over the beach so we could get out and walk the short distance up to the viewing platform..... 

Can you see the lifesaving flags? It is a well known surfing beach. We say, there were a few people out swimming that day, but BOY, was it rough. We wouldn't have wanted to be out in it, a bit scary!

That is a wee island behind us, that has rocks that you can walk along to it to visit, mostly when the tide is down. Kylee didnt know what it was called, she hasn't been across before, but sees lots of people walk it.

It sure was windy! We only stayed up there a short while, but Kylee was excited she was able to take us!

People overseas must get confused when they call it the Mount (we know we were), because the Mount is actually the beach, and behind us is the Mount. You can walk right around the base and it is so pretty. It takes about an hour, and there are a few steep hill's for wheelchairs, so we didn't do it! But she said its really pretty, she used to walk around it as a kid with her grandparents. But its been changed a lot since then.

This is what the Mount looks like from the top... There are beaches on both sides! The side we are on is the left side in the photos, thats the surf side of the beach. The other side is a lot calmer, quieter and nicer for kids and families, as it does not get a lot of waves.... There is a port where big ships come in on the right too. If you follow the green tree's around to the end of that cove, thats about where the port is where all the big cruiseline ships come in.... There are some nice parking spots on both sides.... The sun rises on the left side of the beach, and sets on the right side, so they are really lucky because they get the best of both worlds! 

This is a panoramic is the Mount. (I took both these photos off Wikipedia). Mount Maunganui is its full name, but its mostly just known by nic name as "the Mount". Its actually an extinct volcano can you believe? Its official name in Maori (the native culture to NZ) is Mauao. There is a legend behind the Mount, you can read more about the legend, and story HERE because it explains it a lot better than I ever could. hehe....

The Mount is really seasonal, the place is PACKED in summer, and everyone loves it there. If you would like to learn more about the Mount, you could go HERE or even HERE, both give more in depth information! 

Here is Lauren and Juanita on the beach, Kylee and Dianne went back to the car, but the girls came back up and took us down to the ocean, it was a little cold.....

Can you spot us with the girls walking down to the water among all the other people?

Friday 6 January 2012

Christmas and New Years!

HELLO! Boy, its been a while since we have updated - soo sorry! Thats Kylee's fault! But we wanted to come on and update about Christmas and New Years.... First first, guess what we got for Christmas?? A little bit of a makeover! This travelling business is flighty stuff! So Kylee treated us to a bit of a pamper day! We got a new laminate which means we are a bit more firm now, Kylee painted Flat Loni's eyelids green (for Mitochondrial Disease awareness) - and even gave a few eye lashes!! She hot glued Flat Greg, Flat Loni and Flat Bailey hair on and re-hot glued all the eyes on!! Hopefully they wont come off us again!! I guess travelling you do get a bit battered and warn - but that just means we are having a good fun that we can report back! :)

On another note.... Here is our belated Christmas wishes and blessing sent from New Zealand....

MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM Snoopy and The Flat Broton Family!!!

Here is an up close version for you!!! It was fun jumping in the Santa sack for taking these photos for you!

We even met Santa! (albeit the Santa Sack version) We asked Santa for a cure for Mitochondrial Disease! I sure hope he grants it! We are praying for you guys though - really praying! Kylee prays for you a lot too!!


The other day we went to see a movie with Kylee's sister and her friend. Kylee's sister is on the right (Lauren) and her friend is on the left, her name is Juanita. The girls took in all sorts of food. Ice cream, pop corn and a drink.... We couldn't finish all the popcorn -- but we sure tried! We went to see "We brought a Zoo", have you seen it? It is based on a true story, and is really well put together! I hope you can see it! It was cute!!

We wanted to take a photo standing in front of the HUGE poster for you guys - so Juanita posed with us! Can you see where we are? (we are down  by the Zoo sign). That little girl who features in the movie is soooo darn cute!! About as cute as you girls, Bailey and Riley! I think you guys would make cute and fantastic actors as well - to star in a big movie would be fun, don't you think? I would vote for you girls ANY DAY!!

This was us back on the road before New Years.... We were heading to the Mount. There was meant to be a concert on, but in the end it was raining really badly and the concert was cancelled. "Murphys Law" meant that come New Years Eve, the weather was actually really nice, but they couldn't have known that, and they didn't have the time to set up the arena.... Earlier that day there had been flooding warnings! Crazy weather!!

In the end, we went down to the "Strand" to watch the fireworks..... Here is a picture of them:

Kylee wanted to ask a question, she said she watched the movie called "New Years Eve" and there is a big "Ball Drop" in New York, and then a massive fireworks display - is that true? Have you guys ever been? She said it sounds like a lot of fun and looked really pretty when she saw it in the movie! She would like to go! :)

We have some photos of the beach to post in the next update (which will come quicker than this last one).

Love you guys!! HEAPS AND HEAPS!! xoxoxo

PS: Have you got the package we helped send for you guys from Spirit Sparkplugs? Looks like this:

(the photo was taken before our makeover)

...... PS: We blanked out the address before we posted the photo online (for obvious reasons!)

Love, The Flat Broton Family xoxox